What is the Process for a Custom Bending Project

Precision Bending is a premier custom bending manufacturer.  We work with customers to design and fulfill custom bent tubing.   The process for engineering / designing involves several steps to ensure a successful result that fulfills complication specification.

We have outlined several stages of process from inception to delivery:


  • Define Requirements: Understand the specific requirements of the bending project. The elements can including knowing the intended application, material type, tube diameter, bend radius, wall thickness, and any other critical dimensions. It is also important to know the constraints to help guide the design process.
  • CAD Modeling: Use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create a 3D model of the tubing design. Ensure that all required features, such as straight sections, angles, and bend radii, are accurately represented.
  • Select Bending Method: There are different methods for tube bending, such as rotary draw bending, and roll bending. Choose the most suitable method based on the material, tube diameter, and bend complexity.
  • Material Considerations: When selecting the appropriate material for the tubing, the design needs to take into account factors like mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and cost. Because different metals and materials have varying bending characteristics, it's critical to consider this early in the design process.
  • Bend Allowance Calculation: Calculate the bend allowance, which compensates for the elongation or shortening of the tube material during bending. This step ensures the final bent tube meets the desired dimensions.
  • Bend Angle and Radius: Determine the required bend angle and radius based on the project's specifications. The bend angle refers to the angle through which the tube is bent, and the bend radius is the radius of the curvature on the inside of the bend.
  • Tooling Design: For more complex bends, custom tooling may be necessary. Design the tooling based on the tube's dimensions and the selected bending method.
  • Prototype and Testing: Before proceeding to full production, it's advisable to create a prototype. By using a prototype, you can perform testing to validate the design and ensure it meets the required performance criteria.
  • Manufacturing: Once the design and prototyping stages are complete and approved, it is time to proceed with the full-scale production of the custom bent tubing. The manufacturing process should including testing and detail tracking of the project to ensure that the bending process is carried out according to the design specifications.
  • Quality Control: Implement quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process to ensure consistency and accuracy in the final product. In addition to visual inspection, using photogrammetric inspection.
  • Post-Bending Processes: Depending on the application, additional processes like end forming, welding, or surface finishing might be required.


Remember that custom tube bending can be a complex process, so it is important to work with experienced companies specializing in tube bending. Precision Bending has a deep knowledge of bending backed by the skills and tools to make even the most difficult specification a reality.

Contact our team with any questions